Rich or Wealthy?
As my kids were growing up, a fun way to pass time in the car was playing the game “Would you Rather?“ as we spent countless hours driving to volleyball tournaments or the cottage.
Would you rather be RICH or WEALTHY?
Once again, it’s important to understand the definition of the words to be able to accurately answer this question.
Rich is measured in Dollars.
Wealth is measured in Time.
Most people think if you have $1,000,000 you are rich. If your expenses are $10,000 a month your wealth is 100 months.
How long you can survive WITHOUT WORKING is how wealthy you are. Let that question sink in and make you think.
If you quit or lost your job tomorrow how long would you last until you are out of money?
This is why it is so incredibly important to focus on buying Assets that put money in our Pockets every month so that our wealth grows and grows without dependence on having a job or relying on government pensions or support programs.
Being Wealthy is far more important than being Rich.
Kind Regards,
John Heeney
Glenroe Lending
“We build LEGACY to create TRANQUILITY”
519 808 7370