Why do we need to be Financially Educated?
Good Afternoon Everyone!
Let Financial Education begin…
Why do we need to be financially educated?
1. With Covid in place, the latest figures show 78% of us live paycheck to paycheck … if you lose your job what will replace your income? With Covid, we all have learned that our job security can be at risk. None of us are immune to losing our job.
2. The less financially intelligent you are the more money it takes to make a little money. If you are financially intelligent, it doesn’t take any money to make a lot of money!!! Wow, think about that!!!
3. We don’t get financial education from our schooling at any level. People are ignorant when it comes to finances and have to choose to find financial education… it isn’t provided from school or our surroundings. Parents…. what are you doing to financially educate your kids? They may not get it from anybody else but you!
4. You need to be financially educated to survive… having a just a job is not going to be enough in the days to come. Our world is in a tremendous amount of chaos. There is a huge amount of uncertainty surrounding our financial future at the personal, corporate, and sovereign level.
My plea to you is this… choose to make financial education a high priority in your life. Prioritize and plan to spend a little time every day to get educated. You not only are going to need it, but you will find freedom if you pursue it!
Your thoughts or questions are always welcome.
Kind Regards,
John C. Heeney, CEO Glenroe Lending
Glenroe Farms Limited ( Private Lending )
We build LEGACY to create TRANQUILITY
519 808 7370