10 Fundamentals For Building Your Success

Financial Education continues to be the main methodology for learning to become an entrepreneur. You don’t know what you don’t know, so you have to constantly teach yourself to go out and look for ways to learn. Unfortunately, we do not get this kind of education in school or even our parents in most cases. It’s your personal responsibility to identify the real need to be financially educated and then have the determination to go out there and find it. 

Here are 10 Fundamentals for building your success that I find are vitally important:

  1. Hire a coach and surround yourself with people who are successfully doing what you want to be doing.

  2. Take action and focus on the excitement of discovery, improving, exploring and experimenting, and our motivation will always be fueled.

  3. Spend time and money investing in yourself every day. One dollar in and one hour into yourself will always get you 10X.

  4. Be hard on yourself, give yourself a kick in the butt and push yourself to always be moving forward.

  5. Think positively about everything. Developing a positive mindset is all about trusting yourself and your ability to succeed. It is important to replace negative thoughts with positive ones in order to motivate yourself to keep trying no matter what challenges come your way.

  6. Set reasonable goals and always strive for excellence. We are not here to live up to anyone else's expectations but our own.

  7. Stop taking advice from everyone if you wouldn’t trade shoes with them. They have no place to be telling you how to live your life. Trust your gut.

  8. Don’t expect anyone to give you anything. If you really believe in something, fight for it.

  9. Be 100% committed. We must be willing to do whatever it takes. Sacrifice time and money today to build a successful future tomorrow.

  10. Thrive in times of change. Take the risks the other people aren’t willing to, and no, they may not always work out but welcome the opportunity to learn something new, and when they do, you will reap the rewards.

If you can exercise these guidelines above, you will be absolutely amazed at the progress you will be able to make pursuing your dreams! 

Always remember that it’s so important to share what you learn. You have been gifted with financial education, and I believe it’s then your responsibility to share it with others who haven’t had the chance to learn what you have!!! Trust me, it will feel good sharing what you know with others. 

GO out there and GET AT IT! 

Kind Regards,

John Heeney

Glenroe Lending

“We build LEGACY to create TRANQUILITY”


519 808 7370


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