The Importance of Giving

One of the hardest lessons we all need to learn is the importance of giving generously with both our time and our money. 

In order to become wealthy, we need to first learn to give… Generously! 

Many of you who know me well are familiar with my routine in the mornings. I get up early, grab my coffee and head to my favourite spot at the farm or the cottage with my phone in one hand and a financial education book in the other. My first task of the day is to listen to the Alpha version of the Bible in One Year. This divides the bible into 365 sections and provides commentary on what you have read/listened to for about 20 minutes. Next up is reading/studying a financial education book (usually a book from Rich Dad Poor Dad’s series of over 20 books ) for about an hour, highlighting key points and recording important thoughts on my Notes App on my iPhone. This routine has served me well for some time now. 

Today was an extraordinary day in that I was treated to what both the Bible and Rich Dad had to say about the importance of Giving. 

First up… Rich Dad… here is a quote from Robert Kiyosaki’s book “Rich Kid, Smart Kid”.. (great book for all to read btw) 


Rich dad believed in giving to churches and charities. He took 10 percent of his gross income and tithed it. He often said, “God does not need to receive, but humans need to give.” Over the years I have found that many of the richest people in the world began their lives with the habit of tithing. 

Rich dad was certain that he owed much of his good financial fortune to tithing. He would also say “God is my partner. If you don’t pay your partner, your partner stops working and you have to work ten times harder.”  

Now… here is what the Bible (Alpha) has to say about giving…. 

The verses to read for this are from 2 Corinthians 9:6-15.

“Ten Reasons to Give Generously”

1. Giving is the best investment you can make. What you give to the Lord he multiplies – your time, gifts, ambitions and your money.

2. Giving should be fun. God loves a cheerful giver. Generosity leads to happiness. 

3. Giving takes away the burden of financial worry. Giving allows us to hand over the worry and the burdens of financial responsibility to God. 

4. Giving enriches you. Your character will be enriched by giving to God. 

5. Giving transforms your character. Giving purges the character from the constricting grip of materialism that destroys lives. 

6. Giving inspires others. Other people will be blessed by your willingness to give. 

7. Giving meets other people’s needs. Generous giving blesses other people and supplies the needs of God’s people. 

8. Giving is evidence of real faith. Generous giving is an act of obedience and trust and in doing so you are saying that it is God, not yourself or anyone else, who ultimately provides for your needs. 

9. Giving makes you a stakeholder in the church. When you share in the needs of the community you reap the benefits of that community and the blessing that this provides. 

10. Giving is a response to God’s gift to you. Our giving is a response to God’s amazing grace and the gift of his Son to us. 

My challenge to you today is to give generously, more than you think you can afford, above and beyond what you think you are capable of. When you do that, step back and watch how God will bless YOU in return. It’s absolutely amazing how God’s fulfills His promise to us of blessing us when we GIVE GENEROUSLY. 

I would be privileged to share with you many stories about how God has blessed me personally in our business and my family by being willing to give generously.

Kind Regards,

John C. Heeney, CEO Glenroe Lending

Glenroe Farms Limited ( Private Lending )

We build LEGACY to create TRANQUILITY

519 808 7370


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