Your Words Create Your Wealth
Words are a very very powerful tool. They are the most important tool ever invented by human beings.
Here are a few key thoughts about words and how they are related to our wealth:
The first step to creating wealth is to add financial words to your vocabulary. If you want to become rich, start enriching your vocabulary.
If you are truly serious about becoming rich, set a goal to learn 1000 financial words; you will be far richer than people who don’t use those same words.
It doesn’t take money to make money! Money is just an idea, but ideas are defined by words. The more carefully you choose your vocabulary, the better chance you have of improving your financial situation.
If you have command over your financial words, your self-confidence is bound to improve.
The best part about this investment of time to improve your financial vocabulary is that words are absolutely free!!
Words allow your mind to see what your eyes cannot.
Never let a financial word you are not familiar with go undefined. We have this wonderful tool called Google to look up anything we need to know. When you don’t know the meaning of a financial word, take the time to stop, look it up and add it to your financial vocabulary.
Many people ask me how I can get started with real estate investing. My answer is always invest in financial education. Increasing your financial education comes with increasing your financial vocabulary. When you are armed with financial words you are better prepared to take on the challenge of investing into real estate opportunities.
Kind Regards,
John C. Heeney, CEO Glenroe Lending
Glenroe Farms Limited ( Private Lending )
We build LEGACY to create TRANQUILITY
519 808 7370