Times Have Changed

It’s important to understand the difference between the “Industrial Age” and the “Information Age” and how this affects how we live and what we should be striving for.

Today, we live in the Information Age where the amount of information changes every 18 months! WOW, that’s a staggering fact!

In the Industrial Age, your employer was responsible for your retirement plan.
In the Information Age, you are responsible for your retirement plan; if you run out of money at 65, it’s your problem, not your employers.

In the Industrial Age, you became more valuable the older you got.
In the Information Age, just the opposite, you become less valuable the older you get.

In the Industrial Age, people were employees for life.
In the Information Age, more people are cut loose and become “free agents.”

In the Industrial Age, the smart kids became lawyers and doctors and made the big bucks.
In the Information Age, it’s the athletes, actors, and musicians raking in the big money.

In the Industrial Age, you could always count on the government to bail you out if you or your family got into financial trouble.
In the Information Age, governments make promises to save struggling people only to have those promises broken, making situations worse for those in financial hardship.

So what does this teach us?

1. Financial Education is more important than ever before because things will be changing faster than we have ever experienced before.

2. We can’t rely on our government to bail us out when we struggle financially or retire without enough money. We have to be responsible to look after our own financial needs.

3. Creating more than one stream of income is more important than ever before.

4. Going to school, getting good grades, finding a safe, secure job with benefits, and staying there all your life just doesn’t cut it anymore.

5. The financial well being for you and your family is strictly your responsibility… the question is; what are you doing about this? Do you have a plan for this?

I hope you do have a plan and if you don’t; begin asking questions about how you can start your financial plan for the future.

Kind Regards,

John C. Heeney, CEO Glenroe Lending

Glenroe Farms Limited ( Private Lending )

We build LEGACY to create TRANQUILITY


519 808 7370


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